Historical Foundations
West Block, Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Wayfinding, Signage Restoration/Re-creation
Design Collaborator
Filo Timo
Ben Rahn/A-Frame and Entro

The West Block’s signs were iconic. If we were going to maintain the building’s character, they had to stay. Some signs had, however, changed and weathered over time. Other portions were impossible to salvage for reuse. Entro had the privilege of helping restore and re-create the building’s different installations.

We studied old photographs of the large “Loblaw Groceterias” lettering on the building’s west side. Noting how the sign had changed over time, we were able to re-create the original letterforms by hand.
For the south entrance, we were able to trace the impressions left by the original lettering. We took this outline to metalwork specialists Filo Timo, who cast a new sign in era-appropriate bronze.
Flanking the south entrance were plaques that celebrated the steam-powered transport that made Loblaws a success. We saw them as an ode to modernity as well as the building’s place in history. It’s a message that’s as relevant to us as it was to the original creators. To reinforce this continuity and to show the lasting power of both potential and heritage, we opted to restore rather than recreate these original signs.

For this new mixed-used development, signage was a wonderful way to evoke the architectural and historical character of the original building.
Find out more about the history of West Block.